Renaissance Wordsmith

  Services and Prices

  Submission Rules

  Submission/Editing Process



  About Me
Renaissance Wordsmith accepts a variety of manuscripts in all genres and document types for editing services. Please contact me if you are uncertain if I'll edit your document.
Renaissance Wordsmith will edit:
Fiction novels (40k+ words)
Novellas (17,500 - 40,000 words)
Novelette (7,500 - 17,500 words)
Short Stories (less than 7,500 words)
Tabletop Gaming Manuals
Thesis Papers, Dissertations, Research Papers, Term Papers, etc.

Here are the simple standards and rules for submitting a manuscript.
Renaissance Wordsmith will not accept first or rough drafts. Either you or a beta reader must look over and edit your manuscript at least once before submission.
A list of beta readers can be provided at your request.

All manuscripts must be complete. Renaissance Wordsmith will not accept partial or incomplete manuscripts.

All manuscripts must be formatted to your publisher's standards. Please let me know who your publisher is.
If you do not have a publisher, manuscripts must be formatted to the following standard:
*Microsoft Word  2003 or higher compatible
*12point Times New Roman
*One inch margins on all sides
* 1/2 inch or tabbed paragraph indents
*Single line between paragraphs
*Single spaced
*Chapters and new scenes clearly marked
I will format your manuscript for a small extra fee per page (see prices), if it is not formatted.

Renaissance Wordsmith will not edit books in which there is gratuitous violence, nonconsensual sex, pedophilia, pornography, or abusive (mental or physical) emotional or sexual interactions out of context. Renaissance Wordsmith realizes that violence and sex are sometimes necessary to the plot.

If you are interested in having Renaissance Wordsmith edit for you, please visit the Submission/Editing Process page.

Website built and maintained by Kaycee Hawn.